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Deberían evolucionar estas ceremonias, usando animales pero sin la necesidad de matarlos


No del todo pero,Deberían adaptarse a nuestros sin perjudicar a los animales ni mostrar acciones vialentas




If they have money to have this animals in stead of kill them yes, but we don’t have the money so I don’t care a lot



They should manta in the bull fighting but regulated trying to avoid the excessive suffering of the bull


 @9B826QZfrom Virgin Islands answered…1yr1Y


Yes, but this does not represent a priority, there are way bigger issues.


Yes, these cultural ceremonies can change and develop overtime, to where the animal is treated better

 @97NN2CJfrom Virginia answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but with exceptions/limitations. For example if the animals they are using are sick or extremely old, in a similar way to putting an animal down.



Yes, but animal cruelty in food production needs to be regulated as well


Yes, but giving options to make ends meet to the people in the industry


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