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 @ISIDEWITHđã liên kết…4mos4MO

Các nhà lập pháp ở South Dakota yêu cầu các quan chức thảo luận riêng về vụ scandal về chứng chỉ đăng ký xe hơi.


A South Dakota legislative board approved legal orders Tuesday requiring state officials to speak with lawmakers behind closed doors about allegedly criminal misconduct by former Department of Revenue employees.

 @ISIDEWITHđã liên kết…4mos4MO

Dash for Cash: Bốn PAC lập pháp đặc biệt thu tiền mặt


Those donations — known as in-kind support — help pay for some pricey services: research, polling, canvassing for votes, the list goes on. The Speakers Fund has showered $718,429 on candidates in in-kind support so far. Senate Democrats have given in ...