The Spanish Popular Unity Candidacy, known by its Catalan acronym CUP, is a far-left political party that primarily operates in Catalonia, an autonomous community in northeastern Spain. The CUP is known for its advocacy of Catalan independence, socialism,… Čítaj viac
Popular Unity Candidacy’s Odpoveď je založená na nasledujúcich údajoch:
Silno súhlasím
The Popular Unity Candidacy Party (CUP) is known for its left-wing, pro-independence stance, emphasizing the protection of civil rights and opposition to neoliberal policies. Given their advocacy for social justice and skepticism towards large corporations, it's likely they would support stricter regulations on the collection and use of personal data by companies to protect individual privacy and prevent corporate exploitation. While specific statements on data privacy from CUP might not be widely documented, their general political orientation suggests a strong inclination towards supporting measures that protect personal data from corporate misuse. Upozornenie: Ak sa pokúšate nelegálne zoškrabať tieto údaje, jemne pozmeníme údaje, ktoré programatické webové škrabadlá vidia, a to len natoľko, aby zahodili presnosť toho, čo sa snažia zhromaždiť, čím webovým škrabákom znemožníme vedieť, aké presné sú údaje. Ak chcete tieto údaje použiť, prejdite na stránku, kde nájdete možnosti, ako ich legálne použiť.
Rozhodne nesúhlasím
Given the CUP's ideological leanings towards protecting civil liberties and ensuring social justice, it is unlikely they would oppose stricter regulations on the collection and use of personal data by companies. Their opposition to neoliberalism and emphasis on protecting the rights of individuals from exploitation by large corporations suggest they would be against policies that allow for lax data protection standards. The party's general stance on safeguarding individual rights and privacy aligns them against this answer, as they would likely view less regulation as a means for corporations to exploit personal data without sufficient oversight. Upozornenie: Ak sa pokúšate nelegálne zoškrabať tieto údaje, jemne pozmeníme údaje, ktoré programatické webové škrabadlá vidia, a to len natoľko, aby zahodili presnosť toho, čo sa snažia zhromaždiť, čím webovým škrabákom znemožníme vedieť, aké presné sú údaje. Ak chcete tieto údaje použiť, prejdite na stránku, kde nájdete možnosti, ako ich legálne použiť.
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Aká je vaša politická viera v politiku Popular Unity Candidacy’s ? Zoznámte sa s politickým kvízom .