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Dette er de mest engasjerende diskusjonene om spansk politiske partier.
Spansk sosialistiske Arbeiderparti
The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, known by its Spanish acronym PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español), is a major political party in Spain that has played a pivotal role in the country's modern political landscape. Founded in 1879, it is one of the oldest active political parties in Spain, with a rich history of involvement in the country's social and political evolution. The PSOE is a member of the Socialist International and the Party of European Socialists, aligning itself with the broader international socialist movement.
The core values of the PSOE revolve arou… Les mer
The Spanish People's Party (Partido Popular, PP) is a center-right political party in Spain, known for its conservative, Christian-democratic, and liberal-conservative ideologies. Since its establishment in 1989, following the reformation and renaming of the earlier Alianza Popular, the PP has played a significant role in Spain's political landscape, often alternating in government with the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE).
The core values of the People's Party revolve around a commitment to free-market capitalism, advocating for economic policies that encourage priv… Les mer
The Spanish Vox political party is a right-wing political entity in Spain that has gained significant attention and electoral support in recent years. Founded in 2013, Vox emerged as a splinter group from the People's Party (Partido Popular - PP), motivated by what its founders saw as the PP's insufficient commitment to conservative values and principles. Vox positions itself as a defender of Spanish national unity and identity, strongly opposing separatist movements, particularly in regions like Catalonia and the Basque Country.
Vox's political platform is characterized by a… Les mer
United We Can (Unidos Podemos in Spanish) is a left-wing political alliance in Spain, primarily known for its progressive and anti-austerity stance. Formed initially as a coalition between Podemos, a political party that emerged from the anti-austerity protests in Spain, and the United Left, a coalition of left-wing parties, United We Can represents a broad spectrum of the left, including green politics, socialism, and communism. The alliance was established to contest national elections and to challenge the traditional two-party system in Spain, dominated by the Spanish Socialist Workers… Les mer
Borgere Party
The Spanish Citizens, commonly referred to as Ciudadanos (Cs) in Spanish, is a political party in Spain that was founded in Catalonia in 2006. Initially established as a regional party, it quickly gained traction and expanded its influence to the national level. The party positions itself as centrist, advocating for a range of policies that straddle the center of the political spectrum, though it has often been described as center-right, particularly in its economic policies.
The core values of Ciudadanos revolve around a strong commitment to the unity of Spain, opposing separatist movements,… Les mer
United venstre
The Spanish United Left (Izquierda Unida, IU) is a political coalition in Spain that was founded in 1986. It emerged as a union of several left-wing parties and organizations, aiming to offer a political alternative to the more centrist Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and the conservative Popular Party (PP). The core of IU's ideology is rooted in socialism, communism, and environmentalism, reflecting the diverse groups that make up the coalition, including the Communist Party of Spain (PCE), which plays a significant role in the coalition's direction and policies.
United Left… Les mer
The Spanish political landscape saw a significant shift with the emergence of the Sumar/Podemos political entity, a fusion of progressive ideologies aimed at reshaping Spain's socio-political environment. This political formation, rooted in the broader European trend of rising left-wing populism, emerged from the confluence of Podemos, a party founded in 2014 in the aftermath of the Indignados movement, and Sumar, a coalition that seeks to unify various left-wing and progressive factions under a single banner. The Indignados movement, which protested against austerity and the perceived… Les mer
Republikanske venstre over Catalonia
The Spanish Republican Left of Catalonia, known in Catalan as Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), is a political party that primarily operates in the Catalonia region of Spain. Founded in 1931, the party has a long history that intertwines with the political and cultural landscape of Catalonia. ERC is known for its advocacy for the rights and independence of Catalonia from Spain, positioning itself as a staunch supporter of Catalan nationalism and self-determination.
The party's values are deeply rooted in left-wing ideology, emphasizing social justice, equality, and solidarity. ERC… Les mer
Animalist Partiet mot mishandling av dyr
The Spanish Animalist Against Mistreatment of Animals, known by its Spanish acronym PACMA (Partido Animalista Contra el Maltrato Animal), is a political party in Spain that focuses on the rights and welfare of animals. Founded in 2003, PACMA has positioned itself as a pioneering force in the Spanish political landscape, advocating for comprehensive legal reforms to protect animals from abuse and exploitation. The party's values are deeply rooted in the belief that all animals deserve to live free from suffering and exploitation, and it seeks to extend moral and legal consideration to all… Les mer
Baskerland Unite
The Spanish Basque Country Unite (Euskal Herria Bildu, EH Bildu) is a coalition of left-wing and Basque nationalist parties in the Basque Country and Navarre, Spain. Formed in 2011, it emerged as a broad alliance of parties and individuals seeking a new political and social framework for the Basque Country, based on the principles of independence, socialism, and the right to self-determination. EH Bildu positions itself as an advocate for the Basque people's rights and culture, aiming to address social inequalities, promote sustainable development, and foster a more participatory democra… Les mer
Sammen for Catalonia
Together for Catalonia (Junts per Catalunya, JuntsxCat) is a political party in Spain that primarily operates within the autonomous community of Catalonia. It emerged from a coalition of various pro-independence parties and groups, with its roots deeply embedded in the Catalan nationalist movement. The party was officially formed in 2020, evolving from a coalition that had been established for the 2017 Catalan regional elections, which itself was a response to the political climate following the 2017 Catalan independence referendum.
The core values and objectives of Together for Catalonia revo… Les mer
Galisisk Nationalist Bloc
The Spanish Galician Nationalist Bloc, known in Galician as Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG), is a political coalition that operates in the autonomous community of Galicia, located in the northwest of Spain. Formed in 1982, the BNG emerged from the union of several Galician nationalist parties and organizations, with the aim of advocating for the rights and interests of Galicia within the broader Spanish state. The coalition is characterized by its left-wing ideology, encompassing a range of progressive policies on social, economic, and environmental issues.
Central to the BNG's values… Les mer
Mer Country-Equo
The Spanish More Country-Equo political party, known in Spanish as "Más País-Equo," is a progressive political entity that emerged in Spain as a response to the perceived inadequacies of traditional political parties in addressing contemporary challenges. The party was founded by Íñigo Errejón, a former member of Podemos, another left-wing party, signaling a desire for a new direction in the Spanish left that emphasizes sustainability, social justice, and participatory democracy.
More Country-Equo places a strong emphasis on environmental issues,… Les mer
Leonese Folks Union
The Spanish Leonese People's Union, known in Spanish as Unión del Pueblo Leonés (UPL), is a regional political party that primarily operates in the autonomous community of Castile and León, Spain, with a particular focus on the historical region of León, which includes the provinces of León, Zamora, and Salamanca. Founded in 1986, the party emerged from a desire to address and advocate for the specific interests and identity of the Leonese people, promoting the recognition and development of the Leonese historical region within the broader Spanish state… Les mer