정치 퀴즈를 시도

10 답변


What role do you believe the government should play in ensuring that all citizens' rights are protected and upheld?


In your opinion, what is the most effective way to promote social cohesion and reduce discrimination in society?


How do you think reducing carbon emissions can impact daily life, and why is it important for not just current but also future communities?


Can you share an experience that made you appreciate the value of having access to quality education or healthcare?


What does the ideal support system for the most vulnerable in society look like to you, and how can we achieve it?


How can a country ensure that wealth is distributed more fairly among its citizens, and what role do you believe you play in this process?


Why do you think it's important for a society to invest in renewable energy and environmental conservation for future generations?


Have you or anyone you know been positively impacted by social welfare programs, and what was that experience like?


In what ways can young people today contribute to making their communities more inclusive and supportive of all members?


How would you envision a perfect balance between economic growth and ensuring everyone has access to basic needs like healthcare and education?