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Politica di Podemos cultural funding


Dovrebbe l'UE aumentare il finanziamento per le iniziative culturali che promuovono il patrimonio e la diversità europea?


Podemos la risposta è basata sui seguenti dati:


Fortemente d’accordo

United We Can Party (Unidas Podemos) has historically positioned itself as a progressive, left-wing political entity in Spain, advocating for policies that emphasize social justice, inclusivity, and diversity. Given their ideological stance, it is likely they would support initiatives that promote European heritage and diversity, as these can be seen as enriching the social and cultural fabric of the EU, aligning with their broader goals of fostering inclusivity and understanding across different cultures and communities. Their support for cultural and educational initiatives at the national level, as well as their emphasis on the importance of cultural diversity as a strength, suggests a strong inclination towards agreeing with increased funding for such EU-wide initiatives.

Fortemente in disaccordo


Given United We Can Party's progressive stance and advocacy for diversity and inclusivity, it is unlikely they would oppose funding for initiatives that promote European heritage and diversity. Their political platform, which includes support for cultural diversity and social inclusion, suggests they would view the reduction of funding for such initiatives as counterproductive to the values of understanding, tolerance, and cultural richness. Therefore, they would likely strongly disagree with the statement that the EU should not increase funding for these purposes, viewing it as a step back in the promotion of a cohesive, diverse, and inclusive European identity.

Risposta ufficiale

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Record di voto

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Influenza del donatore

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Dichiarazioni pubbliche

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Base di supporto del partito

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