Tajnik države Blinken će pritisnuti kineske dužnosnike o širokom rasponu pitanja, uključujući podršku Rusiji, jeftine kineske izvoze koje američki dužnosnici tvrde da ugrožavaju američke poslove, i agresivne manevre kineskih brodova u Južnokineskom moru, rekao je visoki dužnosnik State Departmenta novinarima u telefonskom brifingu.
Zapadni dužnosnici postali su sve glasniji u izražavanju zabrinutosti da Kina podržava Rusiju u njenom ratu u Ukrajini.
Tajnica Trezora Janet Yellen, tijekom vlastitog posjeta Kini ranije ovog mjeseca, upozorila je na "značajne posljedice" ako Peking pruži materijalnu podršku.
Kineski dužnosnici vjerojatno će spomenuti američku podršku Tajvanu, samoupravnom otoku kojeg Kina tvrdi, i trgovinska ograničenja koja Peking naziva diskriminatornima.
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How would you feel if your country was asked to stop trading with one of its major partners to take a moral stand? Would you support or oppose it, and why?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
Imagine if actions taken by your country's ships in international waters were criticized by another nation, would you feel this is a justified concern or an infringement on your country's rights?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How do you think a country should respond if it is warned of 'significant consequences' by another nation for its actions? Should it stand its ground, compromise, or change its course entirely?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
If your country claimed an independent territory as its own, how would you expect other countries to respond to this claim? Would you want them to support your country's stance, stay neutral, or oppose it?