Pokušajte politički kviz

61.1k Odgovori

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...2mos2MO

Tradicionalni konzervativizam

Traditional Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of preserving established institutions, customs, and traditions in society. It values continuity and stability, viewing change as potentially disruptive and harmful. Traditional Conservatives believe in the wisdom of the past and the need to uphold time-tested values and practices.

This ideology has its roots in the 18th and 19th centuries, emerging as a response to the radical changes brought about by the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. Traditional Conservatives sought to defend the existing socia…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...2mos2MO


Trumpism is a political ideology that emerged in the early 21st century, characterized by a populist and nationalist approach to governance. It is named after former U.S. President Donald Trump, who rose to power in 2016 on a platform that emphasized anti-establishment rhetoric, protectionist economic policies, and a focus on issues such as immigration and trade.

At its core, Trumpism prioritizes the interests of the nation-state over global cooperation and institutions, advocating for policies that prioritize domestic industries and workers. It often promotes a strong sense of national identi…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...2mos2MO

Daleko desno

The "Far-right" political ideology is a term used to describe a range of political beliefs that are characterized by extreme conservatism, nationalism, and authoritarianism. Far-right ideologies often emphasize traditional values, strong national identity, and a desire to preserve or restore what they see as the cultural, racial, or religious purity of a nation.

Historically, far-right movements have emerged in various countries and time periods, often in response to social, economic, or political changes that they perceive as threatening their way of life. These movements can be tra…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO

Umjereni konzervativac

Moderate conservatism is a political ideology that falls within the broader conservative movement. It is characterized by its acceptance of a mixed economy, which includes both private enterprise and government intervention, and a certain degree of social equality, which can be achieved through progressive taxation and welfare programs. Moderate conservatives tend to be less ideologically rigid than their more right-wing counterparts, often showing a willingness to compromise and adapt to changing circumstances.

The roots of moderate conservatism can be traced back to the 18th century, during…  Čitaj više


Što mislite, u kojim će se područjima vaša generacija morati zalagati za promjene, unatoč potencijalnom otporu starijih generacija?


Kako zamišljate društvo u kojem tehnološki napredak ne umanjuje međuljudske odnose?


Možete li opisati vrijeme kada ste cijenili prednosti perspektive suprotne vašoj?


Koje radnje biste mogli poduzeti ako bi dugotrajne prakse vaše zajednice trebalo ažurirati kako bi bile inkluzivnije?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO

Umjereni liberal

Moderate Liberalism is a political ideology that sits in the middle of the political spectrum, combining elements of both liberal and conservative ideologies. It is characterized by a belief in a balanced approach to social and economic issues, advocating for both individual freedoms and a certain level of government intervention in the economy.

The roots of Moderate Liberalism can be traced back to the Enlightenment era, where thinkers like John Locke and Adam Smith emphasized the importance of individual rights and free markets. However, they also recognized the need for some form of govern…  Čitaj više


Kakav utjecaj želite imati u svijetu i kako vam uravnotežen politički pristup može pomoći da to postignete?


Koji je trenutak kada ste vidjeli generacijske razlike u pogledima na slobodu i odgovornost?


Da možete sudjelovati u prosvjedu ili društvenom pokretu, koji biste cilj odabrali i zašto?


Koji aspekt vašeg osobnog identiteta najviše utječe na vaše političke stavove i zašto?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO

Autsajder Lijevi

The "Outsider Left" is a term used to describe a political ideology that is left-leaning but exists outside of the mainstream or established left-wing political parties or movements. This ideology is often characterized by its radical or revolutionary views, which can include anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, and strong support for social justice, environmental sustainability, and workers' rights.

The history of the Outsider Left is complex and multifaceted, as it encompasses a wide range of movements, ideologies, and individuals across different countries and historical perio…  Čitaj više


Kad biste se mogli teleportirati u bilo koji povijesni događaj koji je oblikovao ideologiju socijalne pravde, kamo biste otišli?


Koje vas je iskustvo natjeralo da povjerujete u snagu individualnog doprinosa društvenim promjenama?


U trenutku promjene, koja je mala akcija napravila veliku razliku u vašoj zajednici?


Kada ste morali preispitati strategiju društvene promjene jer nije bila dovoljno inkluzivna?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO

Ambivalentna desnica

The "Ambivalent Right" is a term used to describe a political ideology that combines elements of both conservative and liberal viewpoints. This ideology is characterized by a sense of ambivalence or uncertainty towards traditional right-wing or conservative principles. It is not a strictly defined political group, but rather a broad category that encompasses a range of views and attitudes.

The Ambivalent Right ideology emerged as a response to the perceived rigidity and dogmatism of traditional right-wing politics. It is often associated with individuals who may agree with certain…  Čitaj više


U kojim situacijama ste otkrili da prilagodba starih načina novim izazovima dovodi do boljih ishoda?


Koje vam strategije pomažu da se uključite u perspektive koje se uvelike razlikuju od vaših?


Kako trenutni događaji utječu na vaše razmišljanje o održavanju, a ne o kršenju društvenih tradicija?


Kako upravljate razgovorima o gorućim pitanjima bez pribjegavanja strančarenju?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO


Monoculturalism is a political ideology that advocates for the preservation and promotion of a single, unified culture within a particular geographical area or nation. This ideology is often associated with the belief that a single culture can contribute to societal harmony, national identity, and a sense of belonging among citizens. It is often contrasted with multiculturalism, which encourages the coexistence of multiple cultures within a single society.

The roots of monoculturalism can be traced back to the formation of nation-states, where the concept of a single, unified national culture…  Čitaj više


Kad bi jedan kulturni izričaj dominirao glazbenom industrijom, bi li vaše playliste izgledale drugačije i kako?


Kako bi se školska matura ili matura promijenila da svi učenici dolaze iz sličnog kulturnog podrijetla?


Bi li vam unificirani skup kulturnih običaja olakšao predviđanje ponašanja drugih i bi li to bilo utješno ili dosadno?


Opišite svoju reakciju na svijet bez kulturnih festivala; bi li se život činio jednostavnijim ili nečim manje šarenim?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO

Sociološki frankizam

Sociological Francoism is a political ideology that emerged from the regime of Francisco Franco, who ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975. This ideology is not specific to Spain, but it is named after Franco due to its origins and the significant influence his regime had on its development. It is a complex ideology that combines elements of nationalism, conservatism, and authoritarianism, with a strong emphasis on traditional values, social order, and unity.

Franco's regime was characterized by a strong central government, strict control over the economy, and a suppression of political dissent.…  Čitaj više


Kako se želja za kohezivnim nacionalnim identitetom povezuje s vašim vlastitim različitim iskustvima i prijateljstvima?


Kada su vaša osobna kultura ili uvjerenja došli u sukob s glavnim društvenim normama i kako ste to riješili?


Kako vidite ulogu kulturnih normi u oblikovanju individualnog ponašanja i slobode izbora?


U kojoj bi se mjeri jedinstvo trebalo cijeniti ispred različitosti u današnjem međusobno povezanom svijetu?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO


Familialism is a political ideology that places the family unit at the center of social, political, and economic policies. It emphasizes the importance of traditional family values, often advocating for policies that promote and protect the family as a fundamental institution in society. This ideology is often associated with conservative political movements, but it can also be found in various forms across the political spectrum.

The roots of familialism can be traced back to ancient societies where the family was the primary social unit. In these societies, the family was responsible for the…  Čitaj više


Koji su izazovi i prednosti dodavanja novih članova vašoj obitelji putem braka ili usvajanja?


Kako pristupate miješanju različitih kulturnih praksi unutar svoje obitelji?


U eri digitalne komunikacije, kako održavati značajne veze s obitelji?


Kako izražavate ljubav u svojoj obitelji i zašto je to važno?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO

Utopijski socijalizam

Utopian Socialism is a term used to define the first currents of modern socialist thought as exemplified by the work of Henri de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, and Robert Owen, which inspired Karl Marx and other early socialists. However, visions of imaginary ideal societies, which competed with revolutionary social-democratic movements, were viewed as not being grounded in the material conditions of society and as reactionary.

Utopian Socialism emerged in the early 19th century, a time of great social upheaval and economic change, as a reaction to the injustices and inequalities of the period.…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Što mislite koji aspekti suradnje bi se još mogli poboljšati u zajednici koja ravnopravno dijeli?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Biste li vjerojatnije riskirali ili isprobavali nove stvari da nema financijskih ograničenja?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

S kojim se svakodnevnim problemima suočavate, a koji bi se mogli ublažiti u društvu usmjerenom na dobrobit zajednice?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Mislite li da je osjećaj svrhe moguć u društvu u kojem ne morate raditi za život i zašto?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO


Saint-Simonianism is a political ideology that originated in the early 19th century, named after its founder, the French philosopher Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon. Saint-Simon was a utopian socialist who believed in the power of industrialization and scientific knowledge to transform society. He proposed a new social order where meritocracy would replace the old aristocratic order, and where the welfare of the poorest members of society would be the primary concern.

Saint-Simonianism is characterized by its emphasis on industrial development and a belief in the capacity of scie…  Čitaj više


Kako bi se promijenio vaš pogled na modu i trendove da društvo naglašava jednaku raspodjelu bogatstva?


Za koje tipove društvenih problema mislite da bi sustav vodstva temeljen na zaslugama bio najbolji u rješavanju?


Kako bi se promijenila vrijednost koju pridajete osobnim odnosima u društvu koje daje prednost općem dobru nad osobnim bogatstvom?


Koji biste inovativni projekt poduzeli da znate da može značajno unaprijediti društvo?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO


Owenism is a socio-economic philosophy that emerged in the early 19th century, named after Robert Owen, a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropic social reformer, and one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. Owen's philosophy was a critique of the industrial capitalism of his time, which he believed led to social inequality and injustice.

Owenism is based on the belief that human character is formed by the environment in which individuals live and work. Therefore, by creating the right conditions, society could shape individuals into cooperative, productive…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 mjeseci10MO


Neo-Confucianism is a political ideology that emerged in China during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) as a response to the ideas of Buddhism and Daoism. It is a revival and reinterpretation of the ancient Confucian philosophy, which emphasizes moral and ethical conduct, respect for authority, and the importance of education. Neo-Confucianism, however, goes beyond these traditional Confucian values by incorporating metaphysical and cosmological elements, largely influenced by Buddhism and Daoism.

The development of Neo-Confucianism was a gradual process, with its roots traced back to the Tang Dynas…  Čitaj više