Essayer le jeu politique


 @ISIDEWITHlié…2 semaines2W

Le Rwanda rompt ses liens avec la Belgique en raison du conflit en Congo et des sanctions de l'Union européenne.

Belgium, Rwanda’s former colonial ruler, pushed for the European Union to impose sanction against Rwandan officials over their role in invading eastern Congo and plundering its mineral wealth.

 @ISIDEWITHlié…2 semaines2W

Le Rwanda annonce la rupture des liens diplomatiques avec la Belgique, alors que l'UE annonce des sanctions.

Rwanda announced on Monday it is severing diplomatic ties with Belgium, saying the European nation had consistently undermined Kigali during the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

 @ISIDEWITHlié…2 semaines2W

4ème LD-Writethru: Le Rwanda rompt ses liens diplomatiques avec la Belgique

Rwanda on Monday severed its diplomatic relations with Belgium and ordered all Belgian diplomats to leave the country