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 @9DR6M7Mfrom Mindoro Occidental answered…8mos8MO

 @9DMZZYNfrom Georgia answered…8mos8MO

Monarchy,but with Luis Alfonso de Bourbon,Duke of Anjou and his line as constitutional monarchs with executive powers as Head of State.


 @9BZ2SZZfrom Georgia answered…11mos11MO

Monarchy,but remove the current royal family to replace them with a new royal dynasty and establish a constitutional monarchy based on autocratic powers.

 @9BYFGNXfrom Georgia answered…11mos11MO

 @962KL2Y from GU answered…1yr1Y

I support a semi-constitutional monarchy where the monarch has a veto which can be overridden with a supermajority


Monarchy as a symbol, and using a fully functioning government like the UK


A republic is not possible on Spain therefore I don’t support it. On the other hand I support republican states where it is possible.



I don't really support monarchy but it's still cheaper than other republics in europe


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