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 @92JXK3J from New York answered…2yrs2Y

Only for big businesses like McDonald's or Intel. Small businesses should have the choice to do so or not. Ex. Momma and Pappa's Groceries should be able to decide whether they should. Big company like Microsoft should be REQUIRED.

 @92JXK3J from New York answered…2yrs2Y

Only for big businesses like McDonald's or Intel. Small businesses should have the choice to do so or not.

 @92ZYZRW from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

Workers asked or forced to work overtime should be payed double time due to the bodily strain and have their right to that protected by the government.


No, the government should have no control over the wages agreed between an employer and an employee in the private sector.

 @8T9KVZK from Tennessee answered…2yrs2Y


Yes, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employees. This should only apply to low-paid workers.



Yes, anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employees.


Yes, to a certain extent. Anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employees.


Yes, to a certain extent. Anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employers.


Yes, to a certain extent. Anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employers. However, it depends on each circumstances. If they work overtime hours and get work done then sure, they should be paid; if they are just hanging around and doing nothing for extra money, then no.


Yes, but only to a certain extent. Anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employers. However, it depends on each circumstances. If they work overtime hours and get work done then sure, they should be paid; if they are just hanging around and doing nothing for extra money, then no.


Yes, anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employers. However, it depends on each circumstances. If they work over hours and get work done then sure, they should be paid; if they are hanging around and doing nothing for extra money, then no.


Yes, anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, depending on the size and income of the business as well as number of employers. However, it depends on each circumstances. If they work over hours and get work done then sure, they should be paid, and if they are hanging around and doing nothing for extra money, then no.


Yes, anyone should have the opportunity to earn money if they work extra hours in a day or week, except for small businesses. However, it depends on each circumstances. If they work over hours and get work done then they should be paid, and if they are hanging around and doing nothing for extra money, then no, they shouldn't be paid.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do so. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, and instead this decision should be determined by negotiations between employer and employee. However, strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do so. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own and instead, this decision should be determined by negotiations by employer and employee. However, strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do so. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own and instead this decision should be determined by negotiations by employer and employee; they should only be paid the same amount of wage as normal hours, not more. However, strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do so. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own and instead this decision should be determined by negotiations by employer and employee. However, strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do so. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own and instead this decision should be determined by negotiations by employer and employee.
However, strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do so. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, but 1) strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees; and 2) provide incentives to companies that gave fully earned wages to overtime workers.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do so. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, but 1) strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees; and 2) give more incentives for companies to give fully earned wages to overtime workers.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do; the government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, but 1) strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees; 2) give more incentives for companies to give fully earned wages to overtime workers.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, but 1) strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees; 2) give more incentives for companies to give fully earned wages to overtime workers.


No, it's not the government's job to require it but it should be strongly suggested to do so.
The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own and they should only be required to pay their normal hourly rate for overtime; workers should be paid overtime but they should be paid the same wages as normal hours, not more.
However, strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees and give more incentives for companies to give fully earned wages to overtime workers.

 @8WPN6T6 from Ohio answered…3yrs3Y

 @8WMMY79 from Massachusetts answered…3yrs3Y

No, but should received paid time off whenever required directly by superiors to work in excess of 50 hours per week.


No, it should not be required but it should be strongly suggested to do. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, however strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.


No, the government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, but strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.


No, it should not be required. The government should allow companies to decide overtime benefits on its own, but it should be strongly suggested to do. However, strict guidelines should be drawn to prevent abuse of full-time employees.

 @8VL9DP4 from Texas answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, because depending on their circumstances a $46K/year or less could barely be a living wage for them.

 @6VWJ8PP from Wisconsin answered…3yrs3Y

 @lucasnat0r from Illinois answered…3yrs3Y

No bonuses should be provided of the companies will to stop smaller companies from going bankrupt.


Only for larger national/multi national corporations. Smaller businesses should be able to decide for themselves.

 @8SRVXNS from New York answered…3yrs3Y

No, it should be up to the business if they want to pay the worker time-and-a-half if they work overtime, in case some people are inadequate workers.

 @8SB5Z26 from Florida answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, everyone should receive time-and-a half and the government should do more to protect workers' rights

 @7FM9Q6N from Florida answered…3yrs3Y

Regardless, if you are working more hours than you are legally obligated to for the company, you should be paid overtime at a rate equal to or above the rate you received for non-overtime work.

 @Maxx48503800 from California answered…3yrs3Y

Regardless, we should organize and bring this directly to the owner/donor class

 @Maxx48503800 from California answered…3yrs3Y

Regardless, we should organize and bring this directly to the donor class

 @8QRNS6M from Wisconsin answered…3yrs3Y

 @7TBHR2C from Pennsylvania answered…3yrs3Y

 @akevinchen from California answered…4yrs4Y

No, while I do support paying salaried employees, making up to $46k/year, time-and-a-half for overtime hours, that should be up to the business if they want to mandate that themselves, not the government

 @TogetherinSoli1 from GU answered…4yrs4Y