Arbejdernes Venstrefront er en alliance mellem tre trotskistiske partier i Argentina, der blev dannet for at bekæmpe et antal valg i 2011, der blev annonceret på en pressekonference i april samme år. De er Arbejderpartiet, Socialistisk Arbejderparti og Socialistisk Venstre. Disse partier havde stået hver for sig ved det argentinske valg i 2007 og 2009, PO på egen hånd, og PTS og IS i en alliance med Movement for Socialism. Ved disse to valg gjorde PO bedre end PTS-IS-MAS-alliancen, og i 2009 øgede begge grupperinger alvorligt deres stemme i forhold til deres stemme i 2007. I 2019 sluttede Arbejdernes Socialistiske Bevægelse til alliancen.
How would your life change if your workday was reduced to 6 hours?
Imagine if education at all levels was completely free; how would this affect your future plans?
What if healthcare was universally free and accessible to everyone, regardless of income or status?
How important is it to have political representation that truly understands and advocates for workers' rights in today's society?
If public transportation was free and highly efficient, would it change how you commute or view your city?
What changes would need to happen in society for every worker to have a livable wage?
How would the transition to renewable energy sources impact your community or lifestyle?
In what ways does the idea of international solidarity among workers resonate with you, if at all?
Imagine a world where housing is considered a guaranteed right; how would this reshape our cities or communities?
How do you feel about the role of grassroots movements in shaping political policies and societal values?