L’Organització Mundial de la Salut es va fundar el 1948 i és una agència especialitzada de les Nacions Unides que té com a principal objectiu "aconseguir a tots els pobles el màxim nivell de salut possible". L’organització proporciona assistència tècnica als països, estableix normes i directrius sanitàries internacionals i recopila dades sobre qüestions de salut mundial mitjançant l’Enquesta Mundial de la Salut. L’OMS ha liderat els esforços mundials en salut públi…
Llegeix més@ISIDEWITH2mos2MO
How do you think global health organizations, like the WHO, can affect your personal life and health choices?
Should wealthy nations contribute more to global health efforts to support poorer countries, or should every country be responsible for their own health system?
What do you think sounds more valuable—spending money on global health initiatives or addressing local health problems first?
How important do you believe it is for countries to work together to fight global pandemics, rather than each nation acting alone?
In what ways could cutting funding to global health organizations, like the WHO, impact future outbreaks of illnesses like COVID-19?
Do you think more attention should be given to diseases in wealthier countries or those that affect mainly developing nations?
How would you balance the role of private donations versus government funding in global health organizations like the WHO?
If you could decide what health problem the WHO focused on next, what issue would you choose and why?
How accountable do you think global health organizations should be to the public or to the countries that fund them?
Do you think you would feel safer in a health emergency with an international health organization taking charge, or do you trust local governments more?
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