Proveu el concurs polític

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 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


The "Left" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around the idea of promoting social equality, justice, and solidarity. It is often associated with advocating for government intervention in the economy to address issues of inequality and poverty, as well as supporting policies that protect workers' rights, provide social welfare programs, and ensure access to healthcare and education for all citizens.

The roots of the Left can be traced back to the Enlightenment era in Europe, where thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl…  Llegeix més


Have you ever felt overlooked or unfairly treated, and how do you think policies focused on equality would have changed that situation?


What’s one change you would implement in your school or community to make it more inclusive?


Can you think of a moment when supporting someone else’s rights made you feel empowered?


How would society change if everyone’s basic needs were guaranteed by the government?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Eco-capitalism, also known as green capitalism, is a political ideology that combines elements of capitalism and environmentalism. It is based on the belief that market forces, if properly guided and regulated, can be used to combat environmental degradation and promote sustainable development. This ideology emerged in the late 20th century as a response to growing concerns about the environmental impact of economic activities.

The roots of eco-capitalism can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s, when environmental issues began to gain prominence in public discourse. The publication of Rachel…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quina creus que és la barrera més important per integrar pràctiques ecològiques a la nostra vida quotidiana?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quin paper creus que té l’educació en la configuració d’un futur més sostenible que s’alinea amb els ideals ecocapitalistes?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com et sents quan reutilitza un article en lloc de llençar-lo, i per què creus que és així?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Creus que les empreses que diuen ser ecològiques són genuïnes o sovint només és una estratègia de màrqueting?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

Reforma Electoral

Electoral reform is a political ideology that advocates for changes in electoral systems to improve how public desires are expressed in election results. This ideology is not confined to a specific country or region, but rather, it is a global concept that has been adopted and implemented in various forms across the world. The primary objective of electoral reform is to ensure that the electoral process is fair, transparent, and representative of the will of the people.

The history of electoral reform dates back to the 19th century, during the era of democratization in Europe. At this time,…  Llegeix més


Com pot afectar el vostre compromís la integració d’aspectes d’un esport d’equip favorit, com l’equitat i l’esperit d’equip, en un procés electoral?


Té més pes els canvis territorials i de circunscripcions per afavorir major representativitat dels ciutadans

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quines emocions associeu amb el procés de votació i com influeix això en la vostra probabilitat de participar?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

El fet de tenir una opció "cap de les anteriors" a la papereta canviaria la vostra percepció de votar?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Si poguessis redissenyar la papereta per reflectir millor els teus valors i interessos, com seria?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


The "Far-Left" political ideology, also known as radical left, represents a section of the political spectrum that advocates for the creation of a society drastically different from the existing social structure, often through revolutionary means. This ideology is characterized by its advocacy for the elimination of social hierarchies, the redistribution of wealth, and the control of major sectors of the economy by the state or the workers themselves. It is often associated with ideologies such as communism, socialism, anarchism, and certain forms of radical feminism and environment…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

La recerca de la igualtat radical hauria de tenir prioritat sobre el manteniment de la tradició i les institucions culturals?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com canviaria la teva vida si el govern redistribuís la riquesa de manera més uniforme entre els seus ciutadans?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

És possible tenir una igualtat total sense renunciar a algunes de les seves llibertats personals, i estaries disposat a fer aquest sacrifici?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Pot una societat assolir la sostenibilitat ambiental sense una reestructuració dràstica dels seus sistemes econòmics?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Owenism is a socio-economic philosophy that emerged in the early 19th century, named after Robert Owen, a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropic social reformer, and one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. Owen's philosophy was a critique of the industrial capitalism of his time, which he believed led to social inequality and injustice.

Owenism is based on the belief that human character is formed by the environment in which individuals live and work. Therefore, by creating the right conditions, society could shape individuals into cooperative, productive…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Creus que la cooperació faria una societat més forta que la competència?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Es pot conciliar la idea de la vida en comunitat amb els valors moderns de propietat personal i èxit?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Alguna vegada t’has enfrontat a una situació en què el compromís va portar a un millor resultat per al grup, i com es va sentir?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Preferiries viure en la noció d’Owen d’una societat utòpica, o creus que aquesta societat podria sufocar la creativitat i l’ambició individuals?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Individualism is a political ideology that emphasizes the moral worth and inherent rights of the individual. It is rooted in the belief that each person has a unique identity and set of interests that should be respected and protected. Individualists argue that individuals should be allowed to make their own choices and decisions, free from government interference or societal pressure. They believe that personal freedom and self-reliance are the keys to prosperity and happiness.

The origins of individualism as a political ideology can be traced back to the Enlightenment period in the 17th and…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Fins a quin punt creus que l’individualisme contribueix a la innovació i al progrés?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com evolucionen els objectius personals a mesura que formem part de diferents grups socials o laborals?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Es poden apreciar realment les qualitats úniques d’una persona en una societat que valora la conformitat?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Pot conviure l’individualisme amb un sentit de comunitat i responsabilitat compartida, o estan en desacord?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

Fundamentalisme del mercat

Market Fundamentalism is a political ideology that strongly advocates for the unfettered operation of the free market economy. It is rooted in the belief that markets, when left to their own devices, can regulate themselves and deliver the most efficient and fair distribution of resources. This ideology is often associated with laissez-faire economics, which opposes government intervention in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights.

The term "Market Fundamentalism" was popularized by George Soros, a Hungarian-American investor…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

T’has beneficiat mai d’un programa governamental que no existiria en un mercat totalment lliure, i com seria la teva vida sense ell?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Creus que l’ideal del "somni americà" s’alinea amb els principis del fonamentalisme del mercat?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com pot afectar un enfocament de "lliure mercat" la diversitat i la riquesa de les petites empreses i els serveis culturals de la vostra comunitat local?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com us semblaria que les empreses privades gestionessin completament la gestió dels recursos naturals sense la supervisió del govern?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

Pressupost equilibrat

The "Balanced Budget" political ideology is a fiscal policy perspective that emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between government revenue and expenditure. This ideology argues that governments should not spend more than they earn in revenue, and if they do, they should take steps to reduce spending or increase revenue to balance the budget. The primary goal of this ideology is to prevent the accumulation of public debt and the potential economic consequences that can result from excessive borrowing.

The history of the Balanced Budget ideology can be traced back to…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quines lliçons de la vostra experiència estalviant per a alguna cosa important podrien aprendre els governs?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com ha canviat la vostra visió sobre l’estalvi personal durant els màxims o baixos econòmics, i què podria dir això dels pressupostos nacionals?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com s’aplica la dita "no comptis els teus pollastres abans de l’eclosió" a les discussions sobre els ingressos i les despeses previstes del govern?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com canviaria la vostra perspectiva sobre els pressupostos nacionals gestionar un subsidi limitat cada mes?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Anti-environmentalism is a political ideology that opposes environmentalism and challenges the scientific consensus on the urgency of addressing climate change. This ideology often prioritizes economic growth, industrial development, and personal freedoms over environmental protection. Anti-environmentalists typically argue that environmental regulations are unnecessary, overly restrictive, or even harmful to economic prosperity. They often downplay the severity of environmental issues or deny the human role in climate change.

The roots of anti-environmentalism can be traced back to the indust…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quins sacrificis personals estàs disposat a fer avui pel benestar del futur de la Terra?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Si el riu o llac net que estimes es contaminissin a causa dels residus industrials, com respondries a les empreses responsables?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quan us imagineu un futur modelat per les polítiques mediambientals actuals, com us fa sentir aquesta imatge?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Imagineu un món amb menys regulacions ambientals; us emociona o preocupa aquesta perspectiva?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Conspiracism is a political ideology that is largely based on the belief in conspiracy theories. It is characterized by the conviction that significant events, trends, and outcomes in society, politics, and economics are the result of secret plots by covert groups or individuals. Conspiracists often believe that these hidden forces are working against the common good, manipulating events to serve their own interests or agendas.

The history of conspiracism is as old as politics itself. Throughout history, people have often sought to explain complex or troubling events by attributing them to the…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Creus que la creença en les conspiracions és una resposta natural a esdeveniments mundials complexos o un fracàs per acceptar l’atzar i el caos?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Segons la teva opinió, la creença en les teories de la conspiració reflecteix una desconfiança en l’autoritat, i aquesta desconfiança és sempre injustificada?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quan una notícia va en contra del que esperaries, com reacciones normalment?


En les discussions sobre possibles conspiracions, què tendeix a prioritzar: proves o intuïció?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Distributism is a socio-economic philosophy that advocates for a wide distribution of property and wealth within a society. It emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency and the decentralization of power. The ideology is rooted in the belief that the health of an economy should be judged not by the wealth it produces, but by how that wealth is distributed among its people. It proposes that the most equitable and just economic system is one where property and business ownership are spread as widely as possible, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a few.

Distributism was first arti…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Veieu algun inconvenient a la distribució àmplia de propietats i negocis en una societat?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

En la seva opinió, la propietat generalitzada crearia un entorn econòmic més o menys competitiu? Per què?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Imagineu-vos si la vostra comunitat tingués més parcs i espais compartits; Com creus que això afectaria la vida diària de tu i dels teus companys?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Si la riquesa es distribuís de manera més uniforme, com canviaria això les vostres expectatives pel vostre futur?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

Economia de la suficiència

The Sufficiency Economy is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and self-sufficiency. It promotes a balanced approach to economic growth, focusing on the need for economic stability and resilience against external shocks. The ideology encourages individuals, communities, and nations to live within their means, using resources wisely and efficiently to ensure long-term sustainability.

The Sufficiency Economy ideology is often associated with the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, who introduced the concept in the late 20th century. However, the…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Imagineu-vos un món on tothom practicés la suficiència; què creus que canviaria a la societat?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com és "viure segons les teves possibilitats" per a un estudiant de secundària?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com podem equilibrar la recerca d’ambicions personals amb la necessitat d’una societat estable i sostenible?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quines són algunes de les maneres creatives que has aconseguit fer més amb menys a la teva vida?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


The term "Anti-Establishment" refers to a political ideology that opposes the existing social, political, and economic systems or structures. It is often associated with movements that challenge the status quo and seek to bring about radical changes in society. This ideology is not confined to a specific political spectrum; it can be found on both the left and the right, depending on the context and the nature of the establishment being opposed.

The history of the Anti-Establishment ideology is as diverse as the movements it has inspired. It has its roots in various historical period…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quan la rebel·lió contra l’establishment traspassa la línia de la revolució necessària a l’anarquia injusta?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Els joves haurien de donar més suport a les idees contra l’establishment, o és més valuós treballar dins del sistema?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Podria funcionar una societat sense institucions establertes o desafiar l’establishment crea inherentment la necessitat d’una de nova?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Sempre és necessari desafiar l’autoritat per fer canvis positius a la societat?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Anti-racism is a political ideology that seeks to confront and challenge racism in all its forms. It is rooted in the belief that all races are equal and that racial discrimination is fundamentally unjust. Anti-racism advocates for policies and actions that promote racial equality and justice, and it opposes any form of racial bias, discrimination, or prejudice.

The history of anti-racism as a political ideology is intertwined with the broader history of human rights and social justice movements. While the term "anti-racism" itself is relatively recent, the principles it embodies hav…  Llegeix més


Per què creus que algunes persones tenen dificultats per entendre el concepte de "privilegi blanc" i com ho explicaries?


 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Creieu que hi ha desavantatges potencials per a un enfocament antiracista i, si és així, com es podrien abordar?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com influeix la diversitat del vostre grup d’amics en les vostres opinions sobre els problemes racials?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Si algú no està d’acord amb els principis de l’antiracisme, com entauries una conversa amb ell?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Municipalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of local government and the autonomy of municipalities in the administration of public affairs. It is rooted in the belief that power should be decentralized and that decisions should be made as close as possible to the people they affect. This ideology advocates for the direct participation of citizens in local governance, often through assemblies or councils, to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are met.

The history of municipalism dates back to ancient times, with the city-states of ancient Greece often cit…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com canviaria la teva vida diària si la teva comunitat local tingués més control sobre els seus recursos?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quina qüestió local creus que es passa per alt i que podria beneficiar-se de la governança local?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Alguna vegada has pensat què faries si tinguessis el poder d’implementar un canvi a la teva àrea local?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com creus que l’apoderament de les comunitats locals podria afectar qüestions com el canvi climàtic o la justícia social?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

Pluralisme polític

Political pluralism is a political ideology that emphasizes the diversity of views and stands against the concentration of political power in the hands of a single authority or a small group. It is based on the principle that diverse groups in society should have the freedom to voice their opinions and influence policy decisions. This ideology is rooted in the belief that the existence of various political parties, interest groups, and independent media can prevent the abuse of power and ensure the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

The concept of political pluralism has its roots…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Alguna vegada has canviat una opinió ferma que tenia després d’interactuar amb algú que pensava diferent?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

En un món ideal, com t’agradaria veure conviure diferents creences polítiques?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quina abraçada del líder històric a les múltiples perspectives polítiques admires i per què?


Què en penseu sobre l’impacte de tenir una representació política diversa a les organitzacions estudiantils?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

Estadisme corporatiu

Corporate statism, also known as corporatism, is a political ideology that advocates for the organization of society by major interest groups, or corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labor, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests. It is a system in which these corporate groups are recognized and given a formal role in the governance of a country, often to the exclusion of other social groups.

The ideology of corporate statism is rooted in the concept of "organicism," which views society as a living organism in whic…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Un govern que adopta l’estatisme corporatiu pot ser fidel als principis democràtics o hi ha un conflicte inherent?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com us preocupen els possibles dilemes ètics en una societat governada per empreses pel que fa a la vostra privadesa i llibertats personals?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Què tan important és per a vostè que les veus més petites s’escoltin en un sistema on les grans entitats tenen un poder significatiu?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Confiaria més en el govern si inclogués representants de diverses indústries i sindicats de treballadors?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y


Anti-militarism is a political ideology that fundamentally opposes war and the use of military force. It is rooted in the belief that conflicts should be resolved through peaceful means such as diplomacy, negotiation, and other non-violent methods. Anti-militarists often criticize the military-industrial complex, which refers to the close relationship between a nation's military leadership and the industries that support them, arguing that it perpetuates a cycle of conflict and war for profit.

The history of anti-militarism is as old as the history of warfare itself. Throughout history,…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quin creus que és el símbol més poderós de la pau i com podria inspirar el canvi al nostre món?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Quin llegat vols que deixi la teva generació pel que fa a la resolució de conflictes?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com ha modelat la vostra experiència personal amb el conflicte, fins i tot a petita escala, les vostres opinions sobre la guerra i la pau?


Vostè o algú que coneixes ha estat personalment afectat pel militarisme i com ha influït en la teva perspectiva?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

Govern Limitat

Limited government is a political ideology that emphasizes the minimal intervention of the government in the affairs of individuals and society. It is rooted in the belief that the primary role of the government should be to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens, rather than controlling or directing their lives. This ideology is often associated with classical liberalism and libertarianism, which advocate for individual liberty, free markets, and minimal state intervention.

The concept of limited government has its roots in ancient and medieval political philosophy. However, it gaine…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Si es reduïssin el finançament del govern per a esports i arts, com mantindríeu vives aquestes activitats tu i els teus companys?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Com creus que canviaria la teva vida diària si fossis responsable de la teva privadesa de dades en línia sense cap normativa governamental?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Un govern més petit podria conduir a un sentit més fort de comunitat i més implicació local, per què o per què no?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…1 any1Y

Imagineu la vostra carrera de somni; com podria ajudar-vos o dificultar el vostre camí per aconseguir-ho amb menys regulació governamental?

 @ISIDEWITHrespon…1 any1Y

No sionisme

Non-Zionism is a political ideology that neither supports nor opposes Zionism, the movement for the establishment of a Jewish state in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel. Non-Zionists may be indifferent to Zionism, or they may hold a variety of views that are neither particularly supportive nor particularly opposed to it.

The history of Non-Zionism dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the Zionist movement was gaining momentum. During this time, many Jews, particularly in Europe and America, were ambivalent or indifferent to the idea of a Jewish state.…  Llegeix més