Proveu el concurs polític

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The "Left" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around the idea of promoting social equality, justice, and solidarity. It is often associated with advocating for government intervention in the economy to address issues of inequality and poverty, as well as supporting policies that protect workers' rights, provide social welfare programs, and ensure access to healthcare and education for all citizens.

The roots of the Left can be traced back to the Enlightenment era in Europe, where thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl…  Llegeix més



Eco-capitalism, also known as green capitalism, is a political ideology that combines elements of capitalism and environmentalism. It is based on the belief that market forces, if properly guided and regulated, can be used to combat environmental degradation and promote sustainable development. This ideology emerged in the late 20th century as a response to growing concerns about the environmental impact of economic activities.

The roots of eco-capitalism can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s, when environmental issues began to gain prominence in public discourse. The publication of Rachel…  Llegeix més


Quan us heu sentit més empoderats per fer un canvi ambiental positiu?


Com creus que influeixen en els nostres valors ambientals les representacions de la natura en els mitjans de comunicació i l’art?


Quin tipus d’iniciatives ecològiques t’agradaria que adoptin més empreses?


Descriu un moment en què t’has sentit connectat amb la natura i com això afecta els teus hàbits ecològics.


Reforma Electoral

Electoral reform is a political ideology that advocates for changes in electoral systems to improve how public desires are expressed in election results. This ideology is not confined to a specific country or region, but rather, it is a global concept that has been adopted and implemented in various forms across the world. The primary objective of electoral reform is to ensure that the electoral process is fair, transparent, and representative of the will of the people.

The history of electoral reform dates back to the 19th century, during the era of democratization in Europe. At this time,…  Llegeix més


Com pot afectar el vostre compromís la integració d’aspectes d’un esport d’equip favorit, com l’equitat i l’esperit d’equip, en un procés electoral?


Té més pes els canvis territorials i de circunscripcions per afavorir major representativitat dels ciutadans


Quin impacte creus que tindrà en els hàbits de vot de les generacions més joves celebrar un "Dia de les eleccions" com a esdeveniment significatiu?


Com podria ser diferent el món de la música o de l’art si els fans votessin quines cançons o peces es van fer populars, com en un sistema democràtic?


Imagineu-vos que esteu en una cruïlla on un camí representa el sistema de votació actual i l’altre la reforma electoral; quin camí prens i per què?



The "Far-Left" political ideology, also known as radical left, represents a section of the political spectrum that advocates for the creation of a society drastically different from the existing social structure, often through revolutionary means. This ideology is characterized by its advocacy for the elimination of social hierarchies, the redistribution of wealth, and the control of major sectors of the economy by the state or the workers themselves. It is often associated with ideologies such as communism, socialism, anarchism, and certain forms of radical feminism and environment…  Llegeix més


Quines normes o costums de la societat creus que quedarien obsoletes en una societat realment igualitària?


Quines noves formes d’esbarjo o aficions podríeu explorar si no fossin necessàries inversions financeres?


Com pot canviar el concepte de vacances en una comunitat on el treball i l’oci estan equilibrats?


Com seria el teu dia perfecte si no existís el concepte de "cultura de pressa"?



Owenism is a socio-economic philosophy that emerged in the early 19th century, named after Robert Owen, a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropic social reformer, and one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. Owen's philosophy was a critique of the industrial capitalism of his time, which he believed led to social inequality and injustice.

Owenism is based on the belief that human character is formed by the environment in which individuals live and work. Therefore, by creating the right conditions, society could shape individuals into cooperative, productive…  Llegeix més


Creus que la cooperació faria una societat més forta que la competència?


En què diferirien les vostres interaccions quotidianes si tothom s’hi acostés amb una mentalitat d’ajuda mútua?


Imagineu un escenari en què el vostre grup d’amics més proper pres totes les decisions junts; quins serien els pros i els contres?


Com canvien els rols de l’empatia i la comprensió en una societat basada en valors comunals?



Individualism is a political ideology that emphasizes the moral worth and inherent rights of the individual. It is rooted in the belief that each person has a unique identity and set of interests that should be respected and protected. Individualists argue that individuals should be allowed to make their own choices and decisions, free from government interference or societal pressure. They believe that personal freedom and self-reliance are the keys to prosperity and happiness.

The origins of individualism as a political ideology can be traced back to the Enlightenment period in the 17th and…  Llegeix més


Com abordeu la presa de decisions que reflecteixin tant el vostre propi interès com els principis ètics?


Quan has hagut de comprometre la llibertat personal i la responsabilitat, i què has après?


Quin és un moment en què observeu que l’acció individual afecta significativament la dinàmica del grup?


Com trobes l’equilibri entre expressar la individualitat i mantenir la privadesa en l’era digital?


Fundamentalisme del mercat

Market Fundamentalism is a political ideology that strongly advocates for the unfettered operation of the free market economy. It is rooted in the belief that markets, when left to their own devices, can regulate themselves and deliver the most efficient and fair distribution of resources. This ideology is often associated with laissez-faire economics, which opposes government intervention in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights.

The term "Market Fundamentalism" was popularized by George Soros, a Hungarian-American investor…  Llegeix més


Si l’educació es comercialitzés completament, com creus que afectaria la disponibilitat i la qualitat dels diferents camps d’estudi?


Quin impacte podria tenir un mercat purament lliure en les indústries artístiques i creatives de la vostra comunitat?


Alguna vegada us heu sentit empoderats o indefensos davant les polítiques d’una gran empresa, i què significaria això en una societat impulsada pel mercat?


Si la vostra assistència sanitària depengués únicament de les forces del mercat, com podríeu abordar la vostra salut de manera diferent?


Pressupost equilibrat

The "Balanced Budget" political ideology is a fiscal policy perspective that emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between government revenue and expenditure. This ideology argues that governments should not spend more than they earn in revenue, and if they do, they should take steps to reduce spending or increase revenue to balance the budget. The primary goal of this ideology is to prevent the accumulation of public debt and the potential economic consequences that can result from excessive borrowing.

The history of the Balanced Budget ideology can be traced back to…  Llegeix més


Quins sacrificis financers heu vist a la vostra comunitat que ressonen amb la necessitat d’un pressupost equilibrat a nivell nacional?


Segons la teva opinió, quina importància té l’alfabetització financera a l’hora de prendre decisions quotidianes i com es relaciona amb les opcions de pressupostos governamentals?


Quan estalvieu per a un objectiu important, com et mantens motivat i com es poden aplicar aquestes estratègies als objectius d’estalvi nacionals?


Si us encarreguessin un pressupost per a un projecte de servei a la comunitat, com el gestionaríeu?



Anti-environmentalism is a political ideology that opposes environmentalism and challenges the scientific consensus on the urgency of addressing climate change. This ideology often prioritizes economic growth, industrial development, and personal freedoms over environmental protection. Anti-environmentalists typically argue that environmental regulations are unnecessary, overly restrictive, or even harmful to economic prosperity. They often downplay the severity of environmental issues or deny the human role in climate change.

The roots of anti-environmentalism can be traced back to the indust…  Llegeix més


Com prioritzeu la vostra pròpia comoditat davant els possibles danys ambientals a llarg termini que pot causar?


Quan observeu canvis en els patrons meteorològics estacionals, quines preocupacions o pensaments sorgeixen sobre el futur del planeta?


Tenint en compte el nombre creixent de productes ecològics al mercat, com afecten les vostres opcions de compra?


Si haguéssiu de renunciar a un dispositiu electrònic per reduir els residus electrònics, quin seria i per què?



Conspiracism is a political ideology that is largely based on the belief in conspiracy theories. It is characterized by the conviction that significant events, trends, and outcomes in society, politics, and economics are the result of secret plots by covert groups or individuals. Conspiracists often believe that these hidden forces are working against the common good, manipulating events to serve their own interests or agendas.

The history of conspiracism is as old as politics itself. Throughout history, people have often sought to explain complex or troubling events by attributing them to the…  Llegeix més


Quines pautes personals seguiu per evitar la propagació de narratives no verificades però convincents?


En el clima informatiu actual, com decideixes en quines fonts confiar a l’hora de formular opinions sobre nous esdeveniments?


Com navegaríeu per la tensió entre la llibertat d’expressió i la responsabilitat social per evitar la propagació de teories infundades?


Alguna vegada has compartit una opinió controvertida sobre un esdeveniment i quines reaccions has trobat?



Distributism is a socio-economic philosophy that advocates for a wide distribution of property and wealth within a society. It emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency and the decentralization of power. The ideology is rooted in the belief that the health of an economy should be judged not by the wealth it produces, but by how that wealth is distributed among its people. It proposes that the most equitable and just economic system is one where property and business ownership are spread as widely as possible, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a few.

Distributism was first arti…  Llegeix més


Com a possible futur propietari de l’economia, quina indústria t’agradaria més revolucionar i per què?


Imagineu que l’entreteniment i els mitjans de comunicació eren produïts principalment per empreses locals de propietat comunitària; com creus que canviaria el contingut?