Proveu el concurs polític



si, després d’estar visquen un determinat temps al país i estar suficientment informat sobre em tema


In what ways do you think the criteria for voting rights should differ between local and national elections?


Why do you think some countries allow non-citizens to vote in certain elections, and should more countries adopt this practice?


How do you think your local community would change if all residents, regardless of citizenship, could vote?


How would you feel if your neighbor, who's from another country, could vote on local issues in your town?


Should the length of time a foreigner has lived in a country impact their right to vote there?


How do you think the involvement of foreigners in voting could impact the decisions made in local communities?


If someone has lived in a country for a long time but isn't a citizen, should they have a say in how things are run?


Do you believe that allowing foreigners to vote could enrich the political process? How so?


Imagine living abroad; would you want the right to vote on local matters there, and why?


Could allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections change how policies affect the community?


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