Try the political quiz

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When you think about the balance between economic growth and environmental protection, which do you prioritize and why?


Imagine a world with cleaner air but higher living costs due to strict environmental regulations; how does that trade-off impact your opinion?


How does the possibility of increased natural disasters due to climate change affect your views on government intervention?


Have you noticed any impacts of climate change in your community, and what measures do you think could be taken at a local level?


How do you think future generations will judge our current efforts to combat climate change?


Recall a moment when you felt a personal connection with nature; how would preserving that feeling influence your stance on environmental regulations?


If you had to give up one convenience to reduce emissions, what would it be and why?


What changes have you observed in your local weather patterns, and how do you think society should respond?


Imagine a world where certain animals have gone extinct due to habitat loss; how does this make you reflect on our current environmental policies?


How would you feel if your favorite outdoor spot was affected by extreme weather, and what steps do you think could prevent this?


Yes, and funding should be increased to replace the fossil fuel industry with nuclear power.

 @93XZ3QH from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

The people themselves should have more power to prevent businesses from unethical decisions


Yes, but not at the cost of crippling our current production sustainability

 @WhenDidISayThis from Indiana answered…2yrs2Y

 @92YHQCV from California answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, and maybe also tax carbon emissions too if that helps prevent climate change

 @92JTPJR from Minnesota answered…2yrs2Y

No, but provide more incentives for alternative energy production. (Embrace hydroelectric power)

 @925YVWM from Utah answered…2yrs2Y

 @8ZZN6V4 from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

Yes but only if China, Russia, and India are doing the same. Or at least 2/3 of these countries are doing the same.

 @8ZLD3KV from Oklahoma answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but not only for climate change, but for the well-being of our planet and environment.

 @8ZGYHH2 from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  @RickStewart from Iowa answered…2yrs2Y

Minimizing pollution is an appropriate task for government. Regulations are seldom the best way to accomplish this, due to complexity, expense, and unintended consequences. Most economists, most famously a Nobel Prize winner, agree the way to reduce carbon emissions is to tax them. The amount of the tax can be changed quickly, to produce the greatest benefit at the least cost.

 @8YYBYBH from California answered…2yrs2Y

That won't help but if they could try and make more environmentally safe energy sources and get rid of non environmentally safe energy sources.


 @8Y9795V from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

Yes and No, we are so long gone into cleaning up the air that heating up the earths atmosphere. is bound to happen. by giving regulations it will help to stop polluting the air but we will have to deal with the air staying polluted to how much it has been up until now we haven't figured out a way to un-pollute the air to reduce heating up the earths atmosphere

 @8XTSQNB from Minnesota answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, and tax certain carbon emission sources

 @8XT29L4 from Illinois answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but be very price consciencous, as there are far more pressing issues at hand that should be first. Had this country been in the direction it was in 2019, I would say Yes all the way! Economy is the money source for all things including climate change issues, and the administration in 2016-2020 did a fantastic job at it.
However, the biggest climate change thing we could do for the economy and for our earth even more is more |||biodiversity and regenerative farming|||

 @8XNT9ZQ from Florida answered…3yrs3Y

No, we need decreased government interference in our daily lives. The biggest polluters are currently China, India, Russia and a few other countries. They refused to enter the Paris Climate Agreement and refuse to be held accountable. We should continue to work on persuading them to improve. We should also attend to our own country, but Biden and the Democrats are going about it in a way that is hurting us.

 @8XMFL27 from California answered…3yrs3Y

 @8WPN673 from Ohio answered…3yrs3Y

We cant prevent it, it is too far along in the process, we can only slow it at this point

 @8WK5SV9 from Oregon answered…3yrs3Y

No, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead and global warming is a natural occurrence in some areas.

 @8WCYPDT from Washington answered…3yrs3Y

No, but I think that all companies should perform a buy back program. where they buy back used products like cans or bags so they can be re used

 @6LV5ZML from Washington answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production at a state level; including different tiers of regulations per type and size of entity and their footprint. A sole proprietor shouldn't have to follow the same regulations as a massive corporation, and other things like region, risk, etc. should be taken into account. This can't be a one-size fits all solution.

 @8VC7WDN from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y

Any works that aim to prevent climate change should be a matter the private sector can solve better than the government can.

 @8VC7WDN from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y

Preventing climate change should be a matter the private sector can solve better than the government can.

 @8NZ6JPS from South Carolina answered…3yrs3Y

 @8V3VYRH from Wisconsin answered…3yrs3Y

Animals are dying from climate change and i think they should do something about it or the world will be terrible.

 @8V2D87P from Oklahoma answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, however since the government can control the climate this should not be a big issue.

 @8TVYZQL from Georgia answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but mostly the government should invest in scientific research to solve the problem rather than prevent it since the problem cannot be prevented anymore.

 @lucasnat0r from Illinois answered…3yrs3Y

No America is already preventing climate change and anything added would be dwarfed by the problems caused by foreign countries.

 @8TPZHT7 from Texas answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, nationalize all energy companies and transition them to green energy

 @8SF6R49 from New York answered…3yrs3Y

I think the government should try to prevent global warming but they should not add more business regulations for climate change. There should be little regulations on businesses. but I think global warming is a very important issue.

 @8SBNN72 from Kansas answered…3yrs3Y

Well you can't really stop all the pollution around the world currently anyways